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Nutrição Animal Avançada (1 º Sem 2017/2018)




  • Nutrient digestion and utilization in farm animals: modelling approaches. CABI Publishing , Kebreak E, Dijkstra J, Bannink A., Gerrits WJJ, France J (ed), 2006.,
  • Farm Animal Metabolism and Nutrition. CABI Publishing , D´Mello J.P.F (ed), 2004.,
  • Feed evaluation: principles and practice. Wageningen Pers , Moughan PJ, Verstegen M W A, Visser-Reyneveld, M.I, (ed), 2000.,
  • Swine Nutrition. 2 Ed, CRC Press , Lewis AJ, Southern LL, (eds), 2001.,
  • Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7 Ed., NA Press , NRC,, 2001.,
  • Jarrige et al.,(Eds) 1995. Nutrition des ruminants domestiques ingestion et digestion. INRA , Jarrige et al.,(Eds), 1995.,


  • Artigos de revistas científicas relativos a cada tema da aula , n/a, n/a,