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Projecto de Arquitectura Paisagista e Técnicas de Construção Aplicadas (2 º Sem 2017/2018)




  • Time Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. McGraw-Hills, Inc., New York , Harris, C. W., and N. T. Dines,, 1988,
  • Landscape Techniques. Heinemann, London , Weddle, A. E.,, 1979,
  • Paisaje Urbano. H. Blume Ediciones, Madrid , Tandy, Cliff,, 1982,


  • Handbook of Landscape Architectural Construction. McLean, Virginia , Carpenter, J. D.,, 1976,
  • Site Design Graphics. , Kendall, M. S., n/a,
  • Landscape Architecture Construction. Elsevier, New York , Landphair, Harlow C. and Fred Klatt,, 1988,
  • Landscape Detailing. The Architectural Press, London , Littlewood, Michael,, 1984,
  • Landscape Graphics. Butterworth Architecture, London , Reid, Grant W.,, 1989,
  • A Guide to Site and Environmental Planning. John Willey & Sons, New York , Rubenstein, Harvey M.,, 1987,