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Produção de Aves e Suínos (1 º Sem 2015/2016)




  • Swine Nutrition 2nd edition. CRC Press. USA. , Lewis, A. J., Lee Southern, L., 2001,
  • The science and practice of pig production. Longman Scientific and Technical, Longman Group Essex CM202JE, England. , Whittemore, C. T., 1993,
  • Poultry Production. Elsevier, Amsterdam , Hunton, P. (Ed)., 1995,
  • Scott’s Nutrition of the Chicken (4th ed). University Books. Guelph, Canada. , Leeson, S. and J. D. Summers., 2001,


  • Mémento de l’éleveur de Porc. 5éme édition. Institut Technique du Porc, Paris. , Institut Technique du Porc., 2000,
  • Nutrient requirements of swine. 10th edition. National Academy Press, Washington DC. , NRC., 1998,
  • Reproduction in Poultry. CAB International. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. , Etches, R. J., 1996,
  • Nutrient Requirements of Poultry (9th ed). , National Research Council,, 1994,
  • Poultry Breeding and Genetics. Elsevier. Canada. , Crawford, R. D., 1990,