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Viticultura Avançada (1 º Sem 2013/2014)



Tipo do Turno:

19/12/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

Practical reports



Discussion and evaluation of practical reports

Modificado em 06/01/2014 21:54 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

19/12/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

Practical reports

Discussion and evaluation of practical reports

Modificado em 06/01/2014 21:53 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

12/12/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

6- Sustainable Viticulture (conc.)

Presentation of practical reports

 - Low input viticulture;

- Prevention of nitrate leaching into groundwater;

- Use of resistant grapevine varieties to biotic and abiotic stress;

- Weeds Control to avoid herbicides.

Modificado em 06/01/2014 21:50 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

12/12/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

Sustainable Viticulture (conc.)


 Presentation of practical reports


- Economic Viability – Costs of production;

- Use of fungicides of lowest leaching potential, lowest application rates, lowest toxiciy, highest biodegradability, lowest impact on beneficial insects, bees and birds;

- Canopy management to reduce disease pressure and promote grape ripening;

- Soil management for a sustainable viticulture.


Modificado em 06/01/2014 21:48 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

05/12/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

Cap. 5 Precision Viticulture

Introductio. The concept of precision agriculture.

Sensor-based and map-based precision viticulture.

Associated technologies.


Modificado em 07/01/2014 07:33 Prof. Ricardo Nuno da Fonseca Garcia Pereira Braga Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

05/12/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

Cap. 5 Precision Viticulture

Remote sensing applied to precision viticulture

Practical applications

Economic evaluation

Case-study: Eng. Pedro P Gonçalves, Monte da Ravasqueira

Modificado em 07/01/2014 07:35 Prof. Ricardo Nuno da Fonseca Garcia Pereira Braga Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

28/11/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

6- Workshop on Sustainable Viticulture (conc)

- "Low carbon wine" - Proj. PRODER - Margarida Cardoso (ISA);

 - Water footprint –Miguel Costa (ITQB) ;

- Organic Viticulture (students presentations);

- Biodynamic Viticulture (students presentations)

Modificado em 02/01/2014 18:57 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

28/11/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

6- Workshop on Sustainable Viticulture

- Introduction to Sustainable Viticulture  - Carlos Lopes (ISA);

- Biological Viticulture - José Carlos Ferreira;

- Carbon Footprint - Bruno Caldeira (CONSULAI);

Biological Viticulture: a case study - Graça Gonçalves (Qta Monte D'Oiro).






Modificado em 02/01/2014 18:59 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

21/11/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

Study Visit

Study visit to the Dão, Douro and Bairrada winegrowing regions

Modificado em 02/01/2014 18:49 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 28 alunos.

21/11/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

Study Visit

Study visit to the Dão, Douro and Bairrada winegrowing regions

Modificado em 02/01/2014 18:49 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 28 alunos.

14/11/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

4. Workshop on “Biotechnology -Main applications in Viticulture & Oenology” (conc.)

 - Molecular aspects of the grafting process in Vitis: in search of molecular markers for graft compatibility. Pedro Fevereiro (ITQB)

- InovWine II - Biotechnology as Information Technologies at the vineyard's service" (Ana Gomes,  Biocant )

- Functional Genomics applied to Viticulture (Sofia Pereira, CBAA)

Modificado em 02/01/2014 18:48 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

14/11/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

4. Workshop on “Biotechnology -Main applications in Viticulture & Oenology”


 - Introduction to Biotechnology - Main applications in Viticulture & Enology (Sofia Pereira, CBAA);

- Gene expression in grapevine under multiple abiotic stresses (Sara Amâncio, CBAA)

- Using X-ray tomography in the treatment of grapevine wood diseases?. (Ricardo Ferreira, CBAA)

- Using Molecular Biology tools to identify grapevine varieties (J.E. Eiras Dias, INRB, Dois Portos)

Modificado em 02/01/2014 18:45 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

07/11/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

3. Implications of climate change for viticulture and wine production (conc)

Workshop onImplications of climate change for viticulture and wine production”

- Climate Change impact evaluation using simulation models (Ricardo Braga, ISA)

- Climate Change & Viticulture:  Impacts & adaptation measures (C. Lopes, ISA).

Modificado em 11/11/2013 08:46 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

07/11/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

3. Implications of climate change for viticulture and wine production

Workshop onImplications of climate change for viticulture and wine production”

- Impact evaluation of recent climate changes on Portuguese viticulture (Ricardo Egipto, ISA);

Coping with environmental stress in Mediterranean viticulture – exploiting physiological diversity in grapevines’.  (Manuela Chaves, ITQB)

- Is the use of cover crops appropriate for adaptation of mediterranean vineyards to climate change? Cases studies in Portugal (C. Lopes, ISA).

- The use of models to study climate change impacts on agriculture. (Pedro Aguiar, ISA)

Modificado em 11/11/2013 08:46 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

31/10/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

2. Crop Estimation and control (conclusion)

2.3. Main techniques for Yield forecasting

2.3.1. Aeropalynological forecast models;

2.3.2. Estimation of yield components;

2.3.3. Agrometeorological models;

2.3.4. Remote sensing;

2.3.5.  Measuring trellis tension;

2.3.6. Image Analysis 

2.4. Yield control by viticultural practices.

2.4. 1. Pruning level;

2.4.2. shoot thinning;

2.4.3. shoot tipping or hedging during flowering;

2.4.4. Early leaf removal;

2.4.5. Spraying growth regulators;

2.4.6. Inflorescence thinning;

2.4.7. Berry thinning;

2.4.8. Cluster thinning

Modificado em 11/11/2013 08:37 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

31/10/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

2. Crop Estimation and control

2.1. Introduction

2.2.1. Yield variability and it’s causes 

2.2.2. Advantages of Yield forecast

2.2. Yield components and the period in which they are determined. Factors affecting the yield components

Modificado em 11/11/2013 08:33 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

24/10/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

Vineyard Mechanization (conclusion)

1.6- Mechanical harvest


1.6.2- The grape harvest machine Operating principle -Types of machines -Work quality

1.6.3- Adapting the vineyard to mechanical harvest

1.6.4 - Effects of mechanical harvest - effects on the vine - Oenological consequences

1.6.5 - Socio-economical implications

1.6.6 - The mechanical harvest in Portugal

1.7- Mechanical pruning

1.7.1- Terminology

1.7.2-“Supported” hand pruning - Pneumatic system - Hydraulic system - electric shears

1.7.3 - Mechanical pre-pruning

1.7.4 - Non-selective mechanical pruning techniques -Hedging – Minimal pruning

Modificado em 11/11/2013 08:23 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

24/10/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

1- Vineyard mechanization (cont.)

1.2- Mechanization of plantation

1.2.1. Land preparation;

1. 2.2. Planting;

1.2.3. Trellis setup

1.3- Mechanization of fertilization and soil management

1.3.1. Soil Fertilization;

1.3.2. Soil tillage;

1.3.3. Cover crop management

1.4- Mechanization of canopy management

1.4.1. de-suckering

1.4.2. wire lifting & shoot positioning

1.4.3. shoot thinning

1.4.4. shoot trimming

1.4.5. basal leaf removal

1.4.6. cluster thinning

Modificado em 11/11/2013 08:20 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: 25 alunos.

17/10/2013 14:00 Aula Teórica

1- Vineyard Mechanization

1.5. Vineyard spraying equipment


1.5.1.Spraying application techniques and types of equipment

1.5.2. Main nozzles types and other complementary equipment

1.5.3. Main sprayer calibrations. Field demonstration of a sprayer calibration.

Modificado em 11/11/2013 07:42 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.

17/10/2013 09:00 Aula Teórica

Introduction to Advanced Viticulture. 1-Vineyard mechanization

Program, calendar and assessment.

Practical written report – description of the protocol; methodologies and evaluation.

Visit to the vineyards of Tapada da Ajuda


1- Vineyard mechanization

1.1. Introduction

1.1.1- The manual labor at the vineyard- main constraints

1.1.2- Main reasons to mechanize vineyard operations ; potential advantages of mechanization

1.1.4- Evolution of vineyard mechanization

1.1.5-Factors influencing machinery efficiency




Modificado em 11/11/2013 08:17 Prof. Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Presenças: não foram contabilizadas.