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Biopolímeros e Estrutura (1 º Sem 2015/2016)




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  • Functional Properties of Food Macromolecules. Chapman & Hall , Hill, S.E., Ledward, D.A. and Mitchell, J.R., 1998,
  • Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications. Amer Chemical Society , Marchessault, R.H., Ravenelle, F. and Zhu, X.X., 2006,
  • Biopolymer Research Trends. Nova Science Publishers , Nemeth, T. S., 2008,
  • Physical Chemistry and Industrial Application of Gellan Gum. Springer-Verlag , Nishinari, K., 1999,
  • Biopolymers: Biology, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Applications. 10 tomos. Wiley-VCH publisher , Steinbuchel, A., 2001-2003,
  • Biopolymers for Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications Wiley-VCH , Steinbuchel, A. and Marchessault, R.H., 2005,
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  • Bio-Based Polymers and Composites. Academic Press , Wool,R. and Sun, X. S., 2005,