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Física I (1 º Sem 2015/2016)

LAP , LEFRN , LB , LEA , LEAlim , LEAmb , LEZ



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  • Physics. John Wiley & Sons eds., New York. , Cutnell, J.; Johnson, K.W., 1989,
  • Fundamentals of Physics. John Wiley & Sons eds., 2ª ed., New York. , Halliday; Resnick, 1989,
  • Physics and the Physical Universe. John Wiley & Sons eds., 3ª ed., New York. , Marion, J.B, 1980,
  • Física. Ed. Harper & Row do Brasil, 2ª ed.(1982), S. Paulo, Vol.1 e 2. , Mc Kelvey, J.P.; Grotch, H.(, 1978,