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Tecnologia dos Alimentos para Animais (2 º Sem 2015/2016)




  • Feed Manufacturing Technology IV (4th ed). American Feed Industry Association, Virginia. , McEllhiney, R. R., 1994,
  • Feed Science – World Animal Science. Elsevier Science Publishers. The Netherlands. , Orskov, E. R., 1988,
  • National Feed Ingredients Association (NFIA). Hay and Silage Management. , Bolsen, K. K., Baylor, J. E., McCullough, M. E. (Eds.). North America, 150 pp., 1990,


  • Livestock feeds and feeding (5th ed). Prentice Hall, New Jersey. , Kellems, R. O. and D. C. Church., 2002,
  • The Silage Fermentation. Kaskin, A. I., Mateles R. I. (Eds.). NY, 320 pp. , Woodford, M. K., 1984,