Aula 11 (Módulo II)
24 Abril 2023, 08:00 • Elsa Maria Félix Gonçalves
Linear Mixed Models: the residual maximum likelihood method of estimation. Estimating fixed effects and predicting random effects: the mixed model equations. Tests of hypotheses for covariance parameters and fixed effects. Model selection (model comparison via likelihood ratio tests and via information criteria).
Nota: Esta aula foi lecionada na quarta-feira, dia 03/05/2023, das 11h-13h30.
Aula 10 (Módulo II)
19 Abril 2023, 09:00 • Elsa Maria Félix Gonçalves
Revision of fixed effects ANOVA.
Linear Mixed Models: some examples
of application. General formulation of the model, properties and some
particular cases.
Nota: Esta aula foi lecionada na terça-feira, dia 02/05/2023, das 16h30-18h30.
Aula 9 (Módulo II)
17 Abril 2023, 08:00 • Elsa Maria Félix Gonçalves
Principles of experimental design. Examples of experimental designs used in agriculture: randomized complete block designs, Latin square designs, Split-plot designs, and designs of the family of Incomplete Block Designs.
Nota: Esta aula foi lecionada na quinta-feira, dia 27/04/2023, das 8h-10h.
Aula 8 (Módulo II)
12 Abril 2023, 09:00 • Fernanda Maria dos Reis Torroaes Valente
Aula 7 (módulo II)
3 Abril 2023, 08:00 • Fernanda Maria dos Reis Torroaes Valente