- Links.docx
- References.docx
- 3PG-equations.docx
- 3PG_Functions&Modifiers.xlsx
- Equacoes-3PG.doc
- 2004 SandsTR141 - Adaptation of 3 PG to novel species - guidelines for data collection and parameter assignment.pdf
- 2002 Sands&Landsberg (FEM) - Parameterisation of 3-PG for plantation grown Eucalyptus globulus.pdf
- 2004 Sands (TR140) - 3PGpjs vsn 2.4 – a user-friendly interface.pdf
- 2006 Fontes et al - Calibration and testing of a generalized process-based model for use in Portuguese eucalyptus plantations.pdf
- 1997 Landsberg&Waring (FEM) - A generalized model of forest productivity using simplified concepts of radiation-use efficiency, carbon balance and partitioning.pdf
- 2004 SandsTR141 - Adaptation of 3 PG to novel species - guidelines for data collection and parameter assignment.pdf.doc
- Ex 1-PermanentPlots-Ec-Npl-data.xls
- Ex 2-PermanentPlots-Ec-S-data.xlsx
- 3PGpjs_SingleSite_Template.Data.xls
- 3PGpjs_SingleSite_Template.Dataseedling.xls
- Exercises-3PG.docx
- 3PG - EXCEL - Eglobulus.xls
- 3PGpjs_SingleSite_Parameters.Data.xlsx
- PermanentPlots-Ec-S-data.xlsx
- PermanentPlots-Ec-Npl-data.xlsx