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Exams information

28 Dezembro 2021, 11:53 Luís Filipe Sanches Goulão

Dear students,

As you know, due to the national covid-19 pandemics scenario, the exams at ISA were postponed for a week. Therefore, our new dates are:
- 1st date Normal: 14 January; 14h30-17h30 (room 12 – main building)
- 2nd date Normal: 28 January; 9h30-12h30 (“Sala de Atos” – main building, next to the cafeteria)
- Special date (“Época Especial”):  7 February; 14h30-17h30 (room 1.6 - Ed. Azevedo Gomes (the usual room))

The test will include 4 questions to be developed: two dedicated to semi-arid/tropical viticulture and two dedicated to mountain viticulture. All subjects addressed in classes are eligible for questions.

Please bring two test notebooks (cadernos de teste) and answer to the tropical viticulture questions in “test notebook A” and to the mountain viticulture questions in "test notebook B".

See you soon. Take care.
Luís Goulão
Jorge Queiroz

Tropical, semi-arid and Mountain Viticulture – important information

2 Novembro 2021, 18:27

Corpo Docente

Luís Filipe Sanches Goulão



Jorge Bernardo Lacerda de Queiroz