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Biotecnologia Vegetal (1 º Sem 2017/2018)




  • Molecular Biotechnology. Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA , B. R Glick, J.J. Pasternak, ASM Press, Washington (BISA Z 30 – 408);, 1998,
  • Recombinant DNA, Second edition , J.D Watson, M.Gilman, J. Witkowski and M. Zoller. Scientific American books. W. H. Freeman and Company. N.Y;, 1991,
  • Engenharia Genética, Princípios e Aplicações , Arnaldo Vieira (coordenação), LIDEL, Lisboa, pp. 168 (BISA Z 30 - 443);, 2001,
  • Biotechnology for beginners , Renneberg, R. & Demain, A.L. (eds.) Academic Press, Amsterdam (NL) , 2008, (BISA Z38-43)


  • An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, Seventh Edition, W. H. Freeman and Company, N.Y. , Griffiths, A.J.F. Suzuki, J.H. Lewontin, R.C. Gelbart W.M, 2000, (BISA Z 30 – 345, 346, 347)
  • RNA interference: concept to reality in crop improvement. , Saurabh S, Vidyarthi AS, Prasad D, n/a, Planta 2014, 239:543-564.
  • Biotechnology for beginners , Renneberg, R. & Demain, A.L. (eds.) Academic Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2008, (BISA Z38-43)
  • Los Marcadores Genéticos en la Mejora Vegetal, Sociedad Espanola de Genética e Sociedad Espanola de Ciencias Hortícolas , F. Nuez, J.M Carrillo , 2000,
  • Molecular Biotechnology. Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA (1998), ASM Press, Washington , B. R Glick, J.J. Pasternak , 1998, (BISA Z 30 – 408)
  • Introduction to Plant Biotechnology, Science Publishers, Inc., Plymouth, UK , H. S. Chawla , 2000, (BISA F 30 – 435, 436, 437, 438);
  • Biotecnologia Vegetal – da Clonagem de Plantas à Transformação Genética, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra , J. M. Canhoto, 2010,
  • An Introduction to Genetic Engineering, 3rd edition. Cambridge University Press (disponível online). , Nicholl, D. S. T., 2008,