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Culturas Tropicais (1 º Sem 2015/2016)




  • Manual do Algodoeiro. IICT , Carvalho, P. Pereira, 1996,
  • Manual da Tecnologia do Café. Cultivar , Porto , Correia, A. M., n/a,
  • A Cultura da Mangueira. ISA, 35 pg. , Correia, A. M., 1999,
  • Sugar Cane. The Tropical Agriculturalist. , Fauconnier, R., 1993,
  • The physiology of tropical field crops. Jonh Wiley & Sons , CTA,Goldsworthy, Peter, R. & Fisher, 1984,
  • The Oil Palm. Tropical Agriculture Series. Longman , Hartley, C.W.S., 1988,
  • The ecology of tropical food crops. Cambridge University Press; , Norman, M.J.T. et al, 1984,
  • The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics. Verlag Josef Margaf e CTA , Rehm, Sigmund & Espig, Gustav, 1991,
  • Maize. The Tropical Agriculturalist. CTA , Rouanet, Guy, 1984,
  • Groundnut. The Tropical Agriculturalist. CTA , Schiling, R., 2002,
  • Manuel pratique de la culture du manioc.. Maisonneuve & Larose e CTA , Silvestre, Pierre, 1987,
  • Bananas ,Tropical Agriculture Series. Longman; , Stover, R.H. & Simmonds, N.W., 1989,
  • Cocoa Tropical Agriculture Series. Longman , Wood, G.A.R & Lass, R.A., 1989,