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disciplinas > TLQB-0/2017-2018/1-semestre > Bibliografia

Técnicas Laboratoriais em Química e Bioquímica (1 º Sem 2017/2018)




  • “Experimental Biochemistry”, 3rd Ed., W. H. Freeman and Company. , Switzer, R., Garrity, L.,, 1999,,
  • “Guia do Laboratório de Química e Bioquímica”, Lidel. , Simões, J.A., Castanho, M.A., Lampreia, I.M., Santos, F.J., Nieto de Castro, C.A., Norberto, M., Pamplona, M., Mira, L., Meireles, M.,, 2000,,
  • “Principles of Instrumental Analysis”, 5th Ed., Brooks/Cole. , Skoog, D.A., Holler, F.J., Nieman, T.A.,, 1998,,
  • Sample handling and trace analysis of pollutants – Techniques, applications and quality assurance, Vol. 21, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. , Barceló, D.,, 2000,,


  • Solid phase microextraction – Theory and pratice. Wiley-VCH, New York, USA. , Pawliszyn, J.,, 1997,,
  • Extraction methods for environmental analysis. John Wiley & Sons, UK. , Dean, J. R.,, 1998,,
  • New Microbiotests for Routine Toxicity Screening and Biomonitoring, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. , Persoone, G., Janssen, C. & De Coen, W.,, 2000,,
  • “Quantitative Chemical Analysis”, 2003, H. W. Freeman & Comp. , Harris, D. G.,, 2003,,