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Química e Bioquímica dos Alimentos (1 º Sem 2014/2015)




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  • Water activity. theory and applications to food. , Rockland, L.B. / Beuchat, L.R. Ed. Marcel Dekker, N. Y., 1987,
  • Food Proteins – Properties & Characterization. , Shuryo Nakai (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1996,
  • Glycoscience. , B. Fraser-Reid, K. Tatsuta, J. Thiem (Editors). Springer, 2001,
  • Starch: Advances in Structure and Function. , T. L. Barsby , A. M. Donald, P. J. Frazier (Eds.) Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002,
  • Food Phenolics: Sources, Chemistry, Effects and Applications 995. , Fereidoon Shahidi Marian Naczk Marion Naczk. CRC Press, n/a,
  • Natural toxicants in food - Sheffield Food Technology. , Watson, D. (ed.) Ed. CRC Press, Sheffield, 1998,