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Tecnologia do Açúcar e Produtos Alternativos (2 º Sem 2016/2017)

MEA , MEAlim



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  • Chemistry and Processing of Sugar Beet and Sugar Cane. Elsevier, , Clarke, M. A.; Godshall, M. A.(ed.),, 1988,
  • Beet Sugar Technology, 2nd ed. Colorado, Beet Sugar Development Fundation, , McGinnis, R.A., 1971,
  • Le Sucre., les Sucres, les Edulcorantes et les Glucides de Charge dans les I.A.A. Paris, Lavoisier, , Multon, J. L. (ed.), 1992,
  • Sweeteners – alternative. St. Paul, MI (USA), Eagan Press , Nelson, A.L., 2000,
  • Sweeteners – nutritive. St. Paul, MI (USA), Eagan Press, , Alexander, R.J., 1998,
  • Sugar Analysis -ICUMSA Methods. Peterborough, British Sugar Corporation, , Schneider, F. (ed.), 1979,
