
VI- Sustainable Viticulture

23 Novembro 2020, 14:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

Preparation of Practical Reports

IV. Precision Viticulture –case studies

19 Novembro 2020, 14:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

4.3.1. Robotic Applications in Precision Viticulture

4.3.2. Remote Sensing in Vineyards

4.3.3. VRT applied to mechanical pruning

4.3.4.  Yield estimation using image analysis

4.3.5. Precision Irrigation

4.3.6. Assessing vineyard water status using new technologies

IV. Precision Viticulture

16 Novembro 2020, 14:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

4.1. Introduction. The concept of precision agriculture/viticulture

4.2. Technologies in Precision Viticulture

4.2.1. Geolocation

4.2.2. Geographical Information Systems;

4.2.3. Variable Rate Technology;

4.2.4. Remote Sensing

4.2.5 Proximal Sensing Soil monitoring Yield monitoring Berry composition monitoring Wireless sensor network

4.2.5. Robotics.

III. Workshop on Implications of climate change for viticulture and wine production.

12 Novembro 2020, 14:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

3.5 Thermal imaging as a tool to monitor the impact of climate change on modern viticulture

3.6 Effects of heat stress on berry color - Impact of irrigation

3.7 Evaluation of climate change impacts on viticulture using simulation models

3.8 Adaptation measures

VI- Sustainable Viticulture

9 Novembro 2020, 14:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

Practical Reports: literature and main rules