
III. Implications of climate change for viticulture and wine production

5 Novembro 2020, 14:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Climate Change & Viticulture – observed and estimated impacts

3.3. Climate changes assessment at Douro winegrowing region

3.4 Evaluation of climate change impacts on viticulture using simulation models

II. Yield Estimation and control (conc)

2 Novembro 2020, 14:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

2.5. Yield control by viticultural practices.

2.5.1. pruning level;

2.5.2. shoot thinning;

2.5.3. shoot tipping or hedging during flowering;

2.5.4. early leaf removal;

2.5.5. spraying growth regulators;

2.5.6. inflorescence thinning;

2.5.7. berry thinning;

2.5.8. cluster thinning.

II. Yield Estimation and control (cont.)

29 Outubro 2020, 14:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes Estimation of yield components; Agrometeorological models; Remote sensing; Measuring trellis tension; Image Analysis 

II. Yield Estimation and control

26 Outubro 2020, 14:30 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Yield components and the period in which they are determined. Factors affecting yield components

2.3. Yield variability and it’s causes

2.4. Yield forecast

2.4.1. Advantages of Yield forecast

2.4.2. Main techniques for Yield forecasting Aeropalynological forecast models;

VI- Sustainable Viticulture - Introduction

22 Outubro 2020, 14:00 Carlos Manuel Antunes Lopes

- Introduction to Sustainable Viticulture

- Types of Sustainable Viticulture – an overview. 

Organic and Biodynamic Viticulture

Practical reports: list of topics