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disciplinas > GQS/2014-2015/1-semestre > BIBLIOGRAFIA

Génese e Qualidade do Solo (1 º Sem 2014/2015)



Brady, N. C. & Weil, R.R. 2008. The Nature and Properties of Soil (14th edition revised). Pearson International Edition. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. (Os mesmos capítulos da edição anterior)


Buol, S.W., Hole, F.D., Mc Cracken, R.J., Southard, R.J. 1997. Soil Genesis and Classification (4th ed). Iowa State University Press, Ames. (Capítulos 2 - 6).


FAO, 1976. A framework for Land Evaluation. FAO Soils Bulletin 32, FAO, Rome


FAO, 2001. Lecture Notes on the Major Soils of the World. World Soil Resources Reports 94, FAO, Rome


IUSS Working Group WRB, 2006. World Reference Base for Soil Resources.  World Soil Resources Reports 103, FAO, Rome


Madeira, M. & Pinto Ricardo, R. 2012. Factores e Processos de Evolução dos Solos. Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa (página WEB da unidade curricular)


Bibliografia Complementar


European Environment Agency, 2003. Europe’s environment: the third assessment. Environmental assessment report, 10. (Chap. 9: Soil Degradation)


EEA, 2000. Down to earth: Soil degradation and sustainable development in Europe - A challenge for the 21st century . Environmental issue report No 16.


Sanchez, P. 1976. Properties and Management of Soils in the Tropics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.


Sanchez, P.A. & Lal, R. 1992. Myths and Science of Soils of the Tropics, SSSA, Special Publication, no. 29. Madison.



Soil Survey Staff 2006. Keys to Soil Taxonomy (10th Ed). USDA/NCRS, Washington.