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O Vinho na Gastronomia (2 º Sem 2017/2018)




  • Johnson’s H. (1999) – História Universal do Vinho (edição portuguesa). Litexa Editora, Lda. Unwin, T. (1991) – Wine and Vine. An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine Trade. Routledge, London. McGovern, P. E. (2003) – Ancient wine: the search for the origins of viniculture. Princeton University Press, New Jersey. Amaral, J. D. (1994) – O Grande Livro do Vinho. Círculo de Leitores. Robinson, J. (1999) – Curso de Vinhos. Livros Cotovia, Lisboa. Simon, J. (1996) – Wine with food. Mitchell Beazley, London Broadbent, M. (1998) – Michael Broadbent’s winetasting. How to approach and appreciate wine. Mitchell Beazley, Pocket Guides, London Suster, M. (2001) – O essencial sobre a prova. Livros Cotovia, Lisboa. Halliday, J. And Johnson, H. (2002) – The art and Science of Wine. Mitchell Beazley Publishers, London Pardos, A. (2001) – Cómo quiero que me sirvan el vino. Alianza editorial. Madrid. , ., .,