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Education (Link)

If you are a master's student and are interested in one of the following topics, please contact me by email.

You are also encouraged to come to me with ideas, questions, suggestions or proposals that you want to approach in your thesis.

A) The impact of the debarking intensity at the two first cork extractions on the cork and cork oak growth.

Framework and Objectives

The work will focus the data collection regarding the cork and the tree growth, in a trial established in 2003 for researching the impact of the debarking intensity on cork growth. The trial is located at Perímetro Florestal da Contenda and has already provided the first results that are published in the journal Annals of Forest Science. Read about it here.

The data will focus on the effect of the treatments, at the tree level, considering distinct dendrometric, cork, and physiological response variables. Since the number of response variables provided by the trial is large, the student will be allowed to focus on the ones that are more of his/her interest.

Fieldwork is expected to take 1 to 2 full weeks. The location of the trial will allow the student to get insights into the current multifunctional management of this area, enjoying the landscape and the teamwork. Laboratory work will depend on the response variables chosen. 

We are looking for

  • A student passionate about montado, cork oak, cork, subericultura, effects of climate change...
  • A student with a taste for experimental design and research.
  • Students with availability to travel from Lisbon to Barrancos for 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Good writing skills.

We offer

  • Guidance and complementary training regarding the topics of montado, cork oak, cork, subericultura, effects of climate change...
  • Complementary training on data analysis tools (Excel and R).
  • Integrated work in a dynamic team.
  • Travel expenses during fieldwork.

Supervisors: Joana A Paulo (joanaap@isa.ulisboa.pt).


Ongoing and completed thesis supervision (MSc and Ph.D.)