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Knowledge exchange (Link)

The main objective of the work being carried out is to contribute to increasing knowledge regarding sustainable management alternatives in forests and agroforest systems.

From traditional systems such as montado or lameiros, to innovative approaches such as alley cropping systems to biomass or food production, the main goal is the dissemination of sustainable forest, agroforestry and mixed farming systems best practices, as economically viable solutions for farmers and environmentally sustainable solutions for modern societies. Recognizing the passion and expertise in the scientific areas dealing with cork, cork oak tree, and the montado, this is the prevailing species and ecosystem in the long-term career development plan. The main tools used to reach this objective are modeling and applied statistics methodologies, supported by an increasingly robust data set that covers a diversity of stand, management, climate and soil conditions. The map shows part of the permanent plots and trials that are monitored, at tree level, under my coordination and in collaboration with Forchange research team members. It is expected that this will contribute to the improvement and adaptation of management practices under climate and social change scenarios, and consequently contribute to rural development.


Keep in mind that knowledge transfer is a two-way route: ReachIN and Reach OUT! ReachIN by contacting me and other researchers and institutions! Bellow, you can find a list of links to dissemination materials to which I have contributed. I hope they are useful for transferring some results and/or management tools from the scientific community to the practitioners: ReachOUT.


• Editorial Committee of the European Agroforestry Federation Newsletter

• Coordinator of the AFINET project newsletter


CEF scientific work based on the new APP – Aptitude Mapping for the Cork Oak

Agroforestry in Europe

Managing understory in cork oak Montado

3rd Afinet project meeting

1st Afinet project meeting

E depois dos incêndios? O caso do montado

Seminário Gestão Agroflorestal Pós-Fogos em Montado - 23 Nov. 2017

Visita Técnica CEF/CEABN às áreas ardidas de Oliveira do Hospital.

Flyers and leaflets

• Paulo, J. A. 2022. Calibre e qualidade condicionam preço da cortiça. Florestas.pt 

• Paulo, J. A. 2020. Sistemas Agroflorestais – promover a diversidade na tradição e na inovação. CULTIVAR - Cadernos de Análise e Prospetiva N.º 21 dezembro de 2020 | Sistemas agroflorestais. pp 13 – 19.

• Rodrigues, A. R., Paulo, J. A., Madeira, M. 2020. Gestão do montado: pastagens semeadas, solo e produtividade. Revista Voz do Campo 233: 48-49.

• den Herder, M., Paulo, J. A. 2018. Sheep as forest managers – Management of young forest stands by grazing sheep. AFINET project. (Available in English and Portuguese)

• Paulo, J. A., Tomás, A., Guedes, J. S. 2018. Vinha do enforcado: produção de vinho num sistema agroflorestal ancestral e ameaçado no Norte de Portugal. AFINET project. (Available in English and Portuguese).

• Paulo, J. A., Faias, S. P. F., Firmino, P. Palma, J. H. N. Managing shrub encroachment in cork oak Montado. Innovation leaflet n. 5. Agforward project.

• Palma, J. H. N., Oliveira, T. S., Crous Duran, J., Paulo, J. A. Modeling livestock carrying capacity in Montados. Innovation leaflet n. 6. Agforward project.

Managing forests for multiple purposes. Managing cork oak: a tale of two countries. StarTree project (311919).

Technical articles and books

• Paulo, J. A., Almeida, R. P. 2017. Rede de Inovação para os Sistemas Agroflorestais. Vida Rural. Novembro 2017. Pp. 44 – 45.

• Paulo, J. A., Tomás, A., Guedes, J. S. 2018. Vinha do enforcado: produção de vinho num sistema agroflorestal ancestral e ameaçado no Norte de Portugal. PT link. EN link.

• Paulo, J. A., Oliveira, V. Pereira, H. 2015. Book of abstracts of the 2nd Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF) conference from research to practice. Subject: Cork oak stands and cork oak. 25th September 2015. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, Portugal. 27 pp.

• Paulo, J. A., Pereira, H. 2014. Book of abstracts of the 1st Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF) conference from research to practice. Subject: Cork oak stands and cork oak. 31st January 2014. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, Portugal. 17 pp.

• Tomé, M., Paulo, J. A., Faias, S., Barreiro, S. Palma, J. H. N. 2013. A plataforma sIMfLOR – facilitador da utilização de modelos de crescimento da floresta para apoio à gestão florestal. Revista da Associação Nacional das empresas florestais, Agrícolas e do Ambiente. Nº 20. Abril/Maio/Junho 2013. Pp 17 – 20.

• Mosquera-Losada M.R., Pantera, A., Rosati, A., Amaral, J., Smith, J., Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A., Watté, J., Dupraz, C. 2012. Book of abstracts. 1st European Agroforestry Conference. What priorities for European Agroforestry? European Agroforestry Federation. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. 71 pp.

• Paulo, J. A., Tomé, M., Palma, J. H. N., Faias, S., Barreiro, S. 2012. sIMfLOR: simulador da floresta portuguesa. Livro de resumos do evento CREST IT: Empreendedorismo e transferência de tecnologia. Organização: Centro de Excelência em Desmaterialização de transações (CEDT). Local: Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda. 20 Novembro 2012. Pp 48-49.

• Paulo, J. A., Tomé, M., Soares, P., Uva, J. S., Moreira, J. 2002. “Impacto de diferentes equações de volume na avaliação do volume existente de Eucaltptus globulus no inventário florestal nacional”. Ingenium 2ª série; n.º 66; Março/Abril 2002, pp. 90-94.

• Palma J. H. N., Paulo J. A., 2011. Contribution of Portugal to the establishment of the European Federation of Agroforestry, 1st European Meeting of Agroforestry, Paris, December 2011, pages 16-17, 34 pp.

Web and communication resources

• The FcTools web page

This page, developed by the ForChange research group from CEF, includes tools that aim to support forest management, with the particular focus on several growth and yield models developed for the most important tree species in Portugal. These models are integrated into stand and/or regional forest level simulators and can be downloaded. You will also find questionnaires on the subjects of education, training courses, and management tools.

• The AFINET project web page: ‘Agroforestry Innovation Networks’

The overall objective of AFINET is the promotion and innovation of European Agroforestry. The project will act at EU level in order to take up research results into agricultural practice, improving knowledge exchange between scientists and practitioners on AF activities, with a special focus on silvoarable and silvopastoral systems design, management, and production and profitability. The project will create and work with 9 national regional agroforstry innovation networks (RAINs), one of them in portugal. Their main function is to revise and identify gaps in real practice, supplying relevant and innovative AF practices and ideas/solution, and diffusing technical and commercial innovations that deal with complex issues, like new approaches for natural resource management. If you are interested in participating in the Portuguese RAIN, please send an email to joanaap@isa.ulisboa.pt.

• The Agroflorestas PT (AFINET RAIN) Facebook group

As part of the AFINET communication strategy, this public group was created to promote dissemination and discussion around the topic of Agroforestry in Portugal. Publications, mainly in Portuguese, try to raise awareness, to promote discussion on the innovative of Agroforestry systems and techniques, to disseminate results and information available as a result of undergoing research etc. Join us!

• The EURAF Facebook profile

The European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) aims at promoting the use of trees/shrubs on farms as well as any kind of silvopastoralism throughout the different environmental regions of Europe. This profile includes information on European policy, tecniques, innovation, news etc, related to the topic of Agroforestry in Europe.