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Research projects (Link)Here you can find the list of projects (national and international) in which I have participated from 2001 until now. The activities and roles taken for each project are described. The links to the websites (if available) allow reaching additional information. Project reports and deliverables are listed in the full CV, including the links to repositories where they are uploaded. • ResAllience: Landscape resilience knowledge alliance for agriculture and forestry in the Mediterranean basin. (Grant agreement 101086600). Responsible researcher at ISA. Project WP leader. LandLab Ambassador. • AcornDew - Boosting the sustainability of the Montesinho Natural Park oak forest through innovation: valorization of acorn and honeydew products. FCT project MTS/SAS/0099/2020. Project coordinator. • WILDFOOD: Eating the wild: Improving the value chain of Mediterranean Wild Food Products. PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union. Researcher. WP co-coordinator. • Incredible: Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin, funded by the 7th framework programme. Transfer of knowledge, dissemination and end-users training, research plan development, publishing • AFINET: Agroforestry Innovation Networks, funded by the 7th framework programme. Work package leader (WP3 Transfer of knowledge, dissemination and end-users training), Innovation broker, research plan development, publishing • CorkNeighbours: Understanding the interaction between cork oak trees and the vegetation in the neighborhood. FCT: PTDC/AGR-FOR/4352/2014 Research plan development, work package 3 leader, publishing • PosDoc Researcher. Thesis title: ‘Research on cork and pine-nut production in agrosilvopastoral systems, towards an efficient use of resources in water restricted ecosystems’. Research plan development, project writing, task coordination/participation, publishing • SUFORUN. Marie Skodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange project (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015). Location: CATIE - Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (Costa Rica). Research topic: Quassia amara L. tree growth and production of under different shading conditions: research on implications for conservation and management in Costa Rica natural forests and plantations. • AgForward – AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development. Project nº613520, funded by the 7th framework programme. Research plan development, task coordination, project reporting, participatory research networking, publishing • STARTREE - Multipurpose trees and non-wood forest products a challenge and opportunity. Project nº311919, funded by the 7th framework programme. Research plan development, task coordination, project reporting, permanent plots and trials maintenance, data collection, database management, publishing • Cork carbon footprint: from trees to products. Project PTDC/AGR-FOR/4360/2012 funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Research plan development, project reporting, scenario development, production of simulation datasets, publishing • REINFFORCE - Resource INFrastructures for monitoring, adapting and protecting European Atlantic FORests under Changing climate Demonstration / experimental site responsible, Project participation, Publishing • MOTIVE - Models for adaptive forest management, Project nº226544, funded by the 7th framework programme Theme 6 (environment). Research plan development, Project participation, Project reports, Permanent plots and trials maintenance, Data collection, Database management, Publishing • COST Action FP0703: Expected Climate Change and Options for European Silviculture (ECHOES) Publishing • CarbWoodCork: Simulation of the effect of different forest management strategies and climate change on wood/cork production and CO2 sequestration for the most important species of Portuguese forests (POCI/AGR/57279/2004). Data collection, data analysis, project reports, publishing, project participation • SUBERWOOD Strategy and technology development for a sustainable wood + cork forestry chain (QLRT – 200 – 00701). Data collection, data analysis, project reports, publishing. Responsible for task 1.3: Silvicultural effects, from Work Package 1 (WP1): Tree growth: modelling wood and cork growth. • Variability on tree growth and wood anatomy in Quercus suber and Quercus rotundifolia. Research planning, data collection, data analysis, project reports. • NEOINV: Inventário Florestal Nacional. Novas metodologias para gestão e aquisição de dados. (INIA 1999.09.6811.7). Field team coordination, Data collection, data analysis, database development and management. Responsible for task 3: Desenvolvimento de modelos de volume e biomassa de azinheiras • SUBERMODEL: Modelo de crescimento e produção orientado para a gestão do montado de sobro em Portugal (FCT/1999/AGR/35173). Field team coordination, Data collection, Data entry, Database management |