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Pesticidas e Ambiente (1 º Sem 2017/2018)

MEAlim , MEA



  • Pesticides and the Future. Minimizing Chronic Exposure of Humans and the Environment. IOS Press, 332p. , Kuhr, R.J. & Motoyama, N., 1998,
  • Ecotoxicology, Ecological Fundamentals, Chemical Exposure and Biological Effects. John Wiley & Sons, Environmental Sciences and Tecnology, 900p. , Schüürmann, G. & Markert, B., 1998,
  • Pesticides: managing risks and optimizing benefits. ACS Symposium Series, 734. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 286p. , Ragsdale, N. N. & Seiber, J.N., 1999,
  • Multimedia Environmental Fate Models: The fugacity Approach, Lewis Publications, CRCPress, Boca Raton, FL., 257p. , Mackay, D., 1991,


  • Ecotoxicology of Organic Contaminants, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, 165p. , Bacci, E., 1994,
  • Techniques for Reducing Pesticide Use. Economic and environmental benefits. . John Wiley & Sons, 444p. , Pimentel, D., 1997,
  • Illustrated handbook of Physical-chemical properties and environmental fate. Pesticide Chemicals Vol 5. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, New York, 812p. , Mackay, D., Shiu, W. & Ma, K, 1997,
  • The pesticide manual, 14th Edition, BCPC, 1349p. , Tomlin, C.D.S., 2006,
  • The manual of biocontrol agents,3rd Edition, BCPC, 702p. , Copping, L.G., 2004,