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Produção Vegetal e Animal (2 º Sem 2017/2018)

LEAlim , LEAmb



  • Fruticultura , Agustí M, 2004,
  • Manual de Culturas Hortícolas, Vol I e II , Almeida D, 2006,
  • Tecnologia Vitícola , Castro R, Cruz A & Botelho M, 2006,
  • Sheep and Goat Production , Coop IE, 1992,
  • Poultry Production: Production System Approach , Hunton P (Ed), 1995,
  • Fitotecnia. Bases y tecnologías de la producción agrícola , Villalobos FJ, Mateos L, Orgaz F & Fereres E, 2002,
  • Understanding the dairy cow , Webster J, 1993,
  • The science and practice of pig production , Whittemore CT, 1993,


  • As bases biológicas das produções animais , Costa MS, 2003,
  • World vegetable industry: production, breeding, trends , Dias JS & Ryder E, 2011,
  • Transgenic Vegetable Crops: Progress, Potentials and Prospects , Dias JS & Ortiz R, 2012,
  • The Agricultural Systems of the world , Grigg DB, 2002,
  • Biologie et Ecologie de la vigne , Huglin P & Schneider C, 2003,
  • Crop ecology: productivity and management in agricultural systems , Loomis RS & Connor DJ, 1992,
  • Crop ecology: productivity and management in agricultural systems , Loomis RS & Connor DJ, 1992,
  • Handbook of precision agriculture , Srinivasan A (Ed.), 2010,